The film “Chithha” is a poignant and thought-provoking exploration of the sensitive and delicate issue of sexual abuse, set in a small town. The story revolves around a male protagonist named Easwaran, who works as a caretaker and finds himself caught up in a tragic situation involving his young niece, Settai. The film is a masterful portrayal of the devastating fallout of abuse, without resorting to sensationalism or exploitation. It is a deeply empathetic and moving film that will leave a profound and lasting impression on the viewer.
Chithha Movie Review
The movie opens on a feel-good note, but this is short-lived, as tragedy strikes, creating a palpable sense of unease and dread. The events that follow are a tense and gripping survival thriller, with a powerful revenge angle, and a shocking revelation involving a key character. The film is a commendable effort, well-made, and laudable in its sensitive handling of the subject matter, but some viewers may find the hopeful closure unnecessary.
The performances in the movie are truly exceptional, with Siddharth delivering an intense and gritty portrayal of his character, and Nimisha Sajayan delivering a confident and nuanced performance in her debut role, showcasing her acting prowess. The two child actresses, too, are remarkable, especially Sahasra Sree, who delivers a heart-wrenching performance as a victim of abuse.
Apart from the somber tone of the movie, there are a few tender moments that stand out. One scene, for instance, shows a survivor rushing to embrace a character, while another portrays two friends who have gone through a traumatic experience and developed a stronger bond. These moments of profound human connection and empathy bring depth and richness to the movie, making it an important and timely watch for our times.
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