The Tamil movie ‘80s Buildup‘ revolves around Kathir, a young man who is challenged by his sister, Manja Kili, to make Radhika Preethi fall in love with him before their grandfather’s funeral is over. The story unfolds in a palatial house where a diverse group of people are brought together for various reasons. Among them is a group of criminals who are after a treasure map that they believe is with the family. To gain access to the house, they even bring in a hospital worker who pretends to be the grandfather’s former lover, Manja Kili. Meanwhile, Velan, a hot-headed man, is provoked into fighting with Kathir. And then there is Mayilsamy, a loyal cart driver, who is disgusted by the family’s self-centeredness but is smitten by a woman who is also present there.
The plot of the movie is intriguing and could have been a laugh riot, but unfortunately, director Kalyaan fails to capitalize on it. The attempts at humour fall flat, and the ideas that initially seemed funny, such as the ’80s setting, the Rajini fan-Kamal fan rivalry, Anandaraj in drag, and the dumb-witted criminal gang, are not executed well. The movie feels like an overlong, unfunny compilation of outtakes from a spoof show. The first half of the movie passes by quickly, but by the time the interval arrives, it feels like the movie has already ended. The second half of the movie is full of overkill and soon leaves the viewers exhausted.
Despite the weak execution of the movie, the performances of the actors are commendable. The lead actor, Kathir, delivers a good performance, and so do the supporting actors, particularly Mayilsamy and the actors playing the roles of the criminals. The cinematography is also noteworthy, as it captures the grandeur of the house and the surrounding areas beautifully.
In conclusion, ’80s Buildup’ is a movie with great potential that falls short of expectations due to its weak execution. Despite its flaws, the movie’s performances and cinematography make it worth a watch for those who appreciate Tamil cinema.